I cant believe my mom is 50 but i will say this for her, she looks dang good for her age and i hope i can look at least half as good as she does when I'm 50. Happy Birthday Mom, i love you. So my mom came up for about a week around her birthday, i better correct myself cause i know you are mom, she came down to visit us in Utah. My mom and i were talking one day about this crazy world and i made the comment that if anything ever happened i would walk to her. I was ponder what i had said one night and it hit me, i would be more then willing to walk miles and miles to get to my mom but was i willing to walk miles and miles and miles to get to Christ. My answer was yes i most definitely would and this conclusion lead me to think that Christ isn't here right now asking me to literally walk to him but i should be taking steps in his direction every day by doing the little things i can be doing each day to get closer to him so that eventually when he does ask that of me i will have already been walking in his direction. So my question to each of you is, Are each of you doing the things you need to be doing to take a step closer to Christ and would you be willing to walk to him?
So the next moment that happened in march was, I decided to take a cake decorating class. It was a four week class and it was alot of fun.
But i think this guy is pretty dang cute
This was my last one i made, it tasted delicious
Next order of business, Triple Date Night.
Moving on, I wish that spring would just get here already. I want warm weather so i can go for walks and play tennis but mostly i just am ready to see some flowers and the wonderful colors that spring brings.
So here is a beautiful bouquet of flowers, that i wish i could send to every one of you but since i can't, this is the best i can do, enjoy.
This is me signing off
Lick ya later