I cant believe its July and not only that, its halfway through July! Here's some of the latest things we've been up to.
I had to put this on cause i just think Dom looks so dang cute!

Isac had a birthday, i cant believe how old he's getting
And so did Brin

This is at her birthday
celebration, we made pork salads and burritos cafe
rio style.
It was really fun and tasted great.

Then it was Dad's birthday, Happy Birthday DAD! I had lots of fun
dancing with him at my wedding. This is such a Randee Face.

It was also Todds moms birthday too, its been a birthday month. I made her this flower
cake and took it to her work for a fun surprise, it turned out pretty good.
4th of July weekend we went camping with Brin and Danny. This is us eating cotton candy
and getting ready for fireworks.

This is
Todds handmade bunny catcher, its just a little to small
but good attempt honey. He was
Brin's bunny catcher

This is the face of
Brin the Bunny Catcher. She tried to catch
a Bunny the whole weekend, pretty
entertaining stuff.

Roasting mellows around the fire

Best idea ever, even if it is way
fatting, Chocolate chip cookies with
Reese on top
Yummy Yummy!!!!
P.S. I just learned how to get rid of extra space on my blog, you just have to push backspace. Sometimes I'm alittle to smart for my own good.