Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

I've never been a huge fan of the Bowl, except for the one year the Titans were in it and they didn't even win for me. But i am a huge fan of seating around and eating good food while watching the game. So all i wished for this year was for a good game, good food, and a great office. All me wishes came true, we had lots of good food to eat and way to much like always, the game was really intense all the way to the end, i just wish it would have ended a little different, and the office. What can i say it was all kinds of crazy, which is why i love it!

Brin this cherry cheese cake is for you

It was also Lexie's Birthday which made it even more special, the top 10 things i love about Lexie..

  1. She makes me laugh
  2. Was always a great big sister and great friend to me
  3. She is one tough cookie and i have always admired that
  4. Very quick thinker and smart
  5. Go getter, if she wants it done she does it
  6. Great new mom!
  7. She was a great weed spraying partner
  8. Very loyal family member
  9. She loves to read
  10. The last thing i love about Lexie is.............................DOMINIC


Anonymous said...

WOW- Ammie that cheesecake looks delicious and so does all the rest of the food. yum! yum! you guys must have been eating good for days. i exspecially love the list of wonderful things about lexie she sounds really cool what a awsome sister.

Lexie, Jacob, &, Dominic Bradshaw said...

amber i want some pictures of brins engagement and ring pront no pics of dom till i get it