Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Finding the right place: 1 hour

Red card stock paper and making 80 candle holders: $2.59 and 8 hours

White candles: $3

Finding a Florist that just sells rose pedals: 1 hour and a blessing from above, $5

Convincing Danny that it wasn't to cold to do it outside: a couple white lies

Keeping it from Brin: 30 text messages, a couple phone calls, and a few more white lies

Picking Severin and Haley up: another 1/2 hour

Set up time: half hour

The lighting of the 80 candles: 5 minutes and 30 matches

Sharing in this moment with Danny and Brin: PriceLess


Lott's of love said...

Hi Am!!! Oh so great! How neat that you were able to be there and help! I'm sure Danny is great! How fun! Your snowboarding looked great and "adventuresome"! Love ya!

Andrew said...

Yay!! That is so great Am :)